Dear Valued Customers,
We want to let you know of a change in the composition of several of Pet Pick-Ups bags. Pet Pick-ups will no longer be using the oxidegradable additive PDQ in its limestone, Bare Bones, and reprocessed plastic bags.
We have recently learned that the PDQ oxidegradable additive would allow the bag to degrade in a bioreactor landfill, in other types of landfills there may not be enough air and moisture to allow for degradation. There is no way to know or to guarantee to our customers in which type of a landfill the bag will end up, Pet Pick-Ups will no longer be using the oxidegradable additive PDQ as we would never want our customers to have a inaccurate impression of the environmental benefits of our bags.
Pet Pick-Ups will continue to be made from the same proprietary blend of polyethylene and limestone, which contains a filler of calcium carbonate from limestone thereby reducing the plastic content by 20% in our limestone bags and by 10% in our Bare Bones bags.
And as an alternative, Pet Pick-Ups also offers our compostable bag which meets all ASTM D6400 standards for use only where certified dog waste composting facilities are available. Please remember, dog waste cannot normally be composted properly at home. Contact your authorities to see if there is a composting facility for dog waste near you.
Thank You and we appreciate your business and the opportunity to share in your love of your pet and our environment.